About NRLCA and RCBP
Providing superior service to rural letter carriers nationwide
Working together for you.
The National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (NRLCA) is the sponsoring organization of RCBP.
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Proud to serve you
The National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association was established in 1903 to improve the methods used by rural letter carriers, benefit their conditions of labor with the USPS, promote a fraternal spirit, and create a united force to advance the interests of all members.
RCBP is a worldwide health plan backed by the strength of the Aetna® network.
I started with the post office in 1976 as a mail handler. First thing I did was join the union. Second thing I did was join the Mail Handlers Benefit Plan.”
Paul Hogrogian, NPMHU National President, MHBP member

RCBP and the NRLCA
Providing superior service to rural letter carriers nationwide

This is your health plan
No matter what job you do in the service of the U.S. public, this plan is your plan. For over 60 years, MHBP has served all federal and postal employees and annuitants, offering comprehensive benefits at affordable rates. MHBP is a worldwide health plan backed by the strength of the Aetna® network.

NRLCA Headquarters
Health Insurance Department
Retirement Questions